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Kobe on Preparing Your Kids for Adversity

By Ian Goldberg

Man do I miss this guy!  The country needs Kobe more than ever.  Can you believe how much our world has changed since he left us just a few months ago?  But, thank goodness for the powerful messages he left with us.  In this clip, Kobe talks about parents stepping back and letting their kids learn from adversity.  Because the way our kids learn to deal with adversity on the field will be very indicative of the way they deal with it in life….and there’s plenty of it to go around these days. Thanks to Aspen Institute Project Play, as always, for capturing another priceless Kobe moment.

Learn more about how iSport360 helps kids deal with adversity.

Ian Goldberg is a sports dad, coach and the Founder of iSport360.  His SportsTech company is helping over 100,000 youth sport coaches, parents and kids stay connected, active and strong through the COVID-19 pandemic and as we return to play. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, iSport360 is offering it’s platform for free all season to keep every team strong and connected.

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