As a sports parent and coach, I know how complicated youth sports can be at times. So I’d like to share some helpful articles that shed light on the challenges we face… and some funny ones that might even give us an opportunity to laugh at ourselves. Please enjoy… and please click here to try our iSport360 app… 80,000 coaches, players and parents set goals, share player feedback, foster healthy team communication and engage parents in a positive way with our platform. Our goal is simple: to help kids have more success, more confidence, and more fun. The complete list of sports available on iSport360: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Futsal, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball.
— Ian and the iSport360 Team —
Youth Sports Culture… Something Needs To Change

If you ask the biggest names in youth sports (The Jr. NBA, TeamSnap, US Youth Soccer, US Lacrosse, National Alliance for Youth Sports) what their most pressing challenge is, they will all say “Changing the Culture of Youth Sports” in one form or another. I know this because I have asked people at the top of these organizations that very question. Their biggest challenges are not “finding the next Lebron” or “putting together our next olympic team” or “getting athletes to peak performance”. Rather, they are trying to rein in sports parents and coaches so we can get the focus of youth sports back on kids. Click here to see how iSport360 is helping.
La Cultura Del Deporte Juvenil… Algo Necesita Cambiar

If we are going to change the culture in youth sports, then iSport360 needs to speak to a bigger audience… and that includes our Spanish-speaking friends. So, haga clic aquí para leer nuestro primer artículo de la historia en español. You can also click here to read the English version.
The Delicate Balance Between Year-Round Sports & Overuse Injuries

As we approach the transition between sports seasons, many parents are considering whether to keep their athlete training through the off-season. But it’s called an “off-season” for a reason: kids need to let their bodies and mind take a rest. So let your athlete take a rest from their main sport, let them try a new sport or let them explore new community activities. But regardless, please read the research here that supports taking a break from time-to-time and respecting the “off-season”.
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Please select one of our 9 team sports and get a 21-day free trial for your club here:
Baseball — Basketball — Cheerleading — Futsal — Lacrosse — Hockey—Soccer — Softball — Volleyball