Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we will give the iSport360 app away FOR FREE to every team that needs to stay connected this season. Coaches and clubs, register your teams here.

Youth Sports 360 – Vol 4.


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Coach Spotlight

Liam HeadshotWe like to shine the spotlight on coaches, trainers and clubs that are providing valuable feedback to their team parents and players with the iSport360 app.

“iSport360 is a great product. It allows our trainers to effectively communicate with their players and parents throughout the season. It’s not just great for players to track their progress but for the coaches too. I highly recommend iSport 360 to anyone.”

Liam Robertson
Director of Training
SportsZone NJ
Monroe Township, NJ

Understanding the Sports Parents Psyche

sports psyche

Let’s start with a confession: While I am a parent, coach and founder of a company that preaches best practices in sports parenting and coaching, I once actually charged the field with the intention of hurting someone (WOW it feels great to get that off my chest).


How to Get a Youth Coach to Like Your Kid?

Our good friend Rob Thompson of North American Sports Group has seen the best and worst in youth sports. His opening line is pretty powerful: “I hate to be the barer of bad news but if the coaches doesn’t like your kid, 70% is because of you.”


On the lighter side….

Manalapan, NJ (May 25, 2016) – Only one in 1,000 youth athletes earn a sports scholarship to college yet one in two parents believes their child has scholarship potential. This is an early symptom of Delusional Sports-Parent Disorder, also known as DSPD, a condition affecting nearly 90% of youth sports parents. The Center For Disease Control is calling this a “Pandemic”. iSport360 is planning to provide funding for research to cure this dreaded affliction.


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