Ian Goldberg is the Founder and CEO of iSport360, a SportsTech company that is helping 12,000 coaches, parents and kids set goals, share player feedback and track player development….all so our kids can have more success, more confidence and more fun. Try iSport360 here.

John O’Sullivan is the author of the 2013 book Changing the Game and the host of the Changing the Game podcast, which features the top minds in sports, coaching, leadership and parenting. His book was the inspiration for me to start iSport360 and to help kids have a better youth sports experience. It was an honor to be featured on the Changing the Game podcast.
Listen as we discuss the how the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is driving parent’s youth sports decisions, how the pressure of college athletes is now being put on 7 year olds and how coaches and parents can work together to help young athletes have more success, more confidence and more fun.
Listen to the full podcast here.Learn more about John O’Sullivan and Changing the Game Project here.